Crystal & Herb Allies That Clear & Protect Your Energy

Have you been feeling overwhelmed lately? Perhaps fatigued or like you are carrying energy that isn’t yours? This is a theme I’m seeing a lot lately with all the intense energy on the planet right now. You’re not alone! There are many herbal and crystal allies that can assist with cleansing and protecting your energy.

These practices are not about keeping other people out, they are about maintaining your energetic sovereignty and the ability to decide what energy comes in. I consider this an important part of self-care and boundary-setting. I utilize these practices as well as regular energy work to maintain my energetic frequency so that I can show up as the best version of myself and hold clear space for my beautiful clients.

Crystal Allies


This crystal ally is highly purifying and can quickly and easily cleanse and refresh your energy field. Run this beautiful crystal along your whole energy field while visualizing any stagnant or undesirable energy being released. It only takes a minute or two and you’ll feel so much better when you’re done!

She also helps create lovely, pleasant energy in our environment, naturally clearing anything out of alignment with how we prefer to be. You can place her all-around your home and/or at doors and windows to receive these benefits.

Black Tourmaline

This powerful ally is my go-to for powerful energy transmutation. Black tourmaline offers wonderful energetic protection pulling in energies that are out of alignment and transmuting them into something better before sending them back out into the environment.

It is said that this stone acts as an etheric vacuum clearing us and our surroundings of negativity and disharmony. He is also helpful in banishing negative thoughts, anxieties, angers, and ideas of unworthiness. Keep this crystal ally nearby whenever you feel energetically vulnerable or desire more protection. 


This incredible ally is one of my all-time favorites! She is HIGHLY grounding and balancing to our energy field. The reason for this is that at the very core of Mother Earth herself lies the largest crystal of all, and they believe this crystal is hematite! No wonder she is such a powerful channel for us to connect with Mother Earth and ground ourselves. 

Her beautiful energy helps us to bring our dreams and aspirations into reality, clears and balances the chakras, and reduces the effects of EMFs.  She is also a wonderful detoxification stone helping clear the body of toxins and brings the highest frequency into the range of physicality so that we can manifest our highest purpose through our physical existence.

Place her under your bed near your feet for restful, rejuvenating sleep. Hold her in your left hand and take a few deep breaths when you are in need of grounding, or keep her nearby while working on your computer for added protection and focus.

Herbal Allies


Oatstraw helps to restore the nervous system and strengthen the body, reduces inflammation and improves energy. When you take a bath with this ally, she cleanses and purifies your energy field.

You can also drink Oatstraw in a tea by itself or combined with other herbs for added benefits. One of my personal favorites is to combine marshmallow leaf and oatstraw for a tasty, earthy tea that offers powerful anti-inflammatory properties as well as respiratory support.


This herbal ally is quite prolific in the Phoenix area and easy to grow here as she has a high tolerance for heat and does not need much water. She is highly protective and energetically purifying when burned as smudge or placed at doors and windows.

Another wonderful way to work with her energy is to make a tea, allow it to cool and then use this in a body wash or hand wash.

Star Anise

The beautiful dried fruit pods of the Star Anise plant have been used for centuries as a protective element in ceremony and ritual. She is often used to protect the home or space from negativity and dark energy. Star Anise is a perfect herb to incorporate when requesting divine protection.

My favorite way to work with her energy is to make a yummy tea (which is great for your digestion, too!). I then light a white candle and make a small ritual out of it as I request her assistance with protection and purification. I also love to work with her energy in plant and crystal girds!


Third Eye Activation Ritual


Cultivating Self-Love and Self-Acceptance